HTSUS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule)
DEFINITION: The HTSUS is 10-digit statistical classification systems used in the United States. It is maintained by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) and is based on the 2-, 4-, and 6-digit headings and subheadings of the international Harmonized System (HS). Updated at least twice a year
EXAMPLE: 8544.70.000- fiber optic cables; 8542.31.0000 -amplifiers & controllers
NOTES: Import Classification system used for import, but is also accepted for export
Schedule B
DEFINITION: Commodities exported from the United States are assigned a ten-digit Schedule B number from the Schedule B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities exported from the US. It is maintained by the US Census Bureau and is based on the 4- and 6-digit headings and subheadings of the international Harmonized System (HS). It is revised annually.
EXAMPLE: 8544.70.0000- Optical fiber cables; 8542.31.0000- processors & controllers
NOTES: Export Classification system only used for export
ECCN (Export Control Classification Number)
DEFINITION: The five character alpha-numeric designation used to identify commodities, technologies and software that have an export control classification number on the Commerce Control List (CCL); 15 CFR Part 774, Supplement 1. Items not classified under an ECCN are designated as EAR 99.
EXAMPLE: 5A002.A.1; 5A992.c
NOTES: The key to identify dual-use items for export control purposes and whether an export license or other authorization is required
CCATS (Commodity Classification Automatic Tracking System)
DEFINITION: The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) provides a alphanumeric code to the exporter when a formal request is made for export classification of software, technology or commodities.
EXAMPLE: G161854
NOTES: Not every commodity will have a CCATS. It is only for those items that potentially have an ECCN and are classified as dual use items
License Exception
DEFINITION: The five character alpha-numeric designation used to identify commodities, technologies and software that have an export control classification number on the Commerce Control List (CCL); 15 CFR Part 774, Supplement 1. Items not classified under an ECCN are designated as EAR 99
NOTES: In most case, there is no license or license exception required.
Country of Origin
DEFINITION: U.S. Customs & Border Protection defines country of origin as the country where an article was wholly grown, manufactured or produced, or, if not wholly grown, cultivated or produced in one country, the last country in which the article underwent a substantial transformation.
EXAMPLE: Country of Origin Mexico
NOTES: This is country of manufacture.
Country of Export
DEFINITION: Country where product was physically exported
EXAMPLE: Country of Export China
NOTES: The country where the product is loaded on a plane, ship or truck.